
Archive for April 17th, 2011

This story here ran on the front page of today’s Sunday Express.

In the article’s central thrust, you’ll see that Tower Hamlets Council’s East End Life has been carrying adverts for an “Islamic education centre” operated from a building at 32 New Road, Whitechapel, which is owned by Anjem Choudary’s elder brother, Yazdani.

The Centre for Islamic Services there involves Anjem. His brother has been the recipient of Government contracts worth more than £1million, I have been told.

Yazdani, who is more frequently known as Dani Choudary, has hired to work for him someone who was convicted of terror related offences in 2008. His name is Shah Jalal Hussain.

Tower Hamlets Council told me they made checks before deciding to run the adverts.

What sort of checks?

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